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All songs are performed by a group of friends for other friends.  These are called "Texas People," even when they are from Oregon, Florida, and other states (and countries). 

On this shelf are

"Texas Friends Playing & Singing"

F-1-1 Used Cows For Sale; Raf Siebert.


F-1-2 A Little Music In The Moonlight ; Ken Cashion.  A uke song by Johnny Marvin.  (I bet most of you have never heard of “Kenny Wacky Woo.”)


F-1-3 Carrissa #7;  Alec Bainter, who was 11 when this was done.

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F-1-4 Buckets of Rain; Wonderful Kent Fishburn and his sweet lady, Debbie Fiak.

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F-1-5 Caprock Winds; Mike Rickard.


F-1-6 Cigareets & Whooskey & Wild, Wild Women; Ken Cashion & Marci Harnden,  Everyone’s name goes into a hat and they are drawn out in pairs.  In the next six hours, these two must prepare a song for the open mic.  I am playing my arch top tenor guitar.


F-1-7 Drivin' Home; The resident protest singer/song writer, Ted Blackwell.


F-1-8 Hally Came to Jackson; Debbie Fiak and Kent Fishburn.  They are a delight!

F-1-9 Nagasaki; Kent Fishburn, cross-blowin’ his harmonica and doing a 1930, big band favorite, “Nagasaki.” 

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F-1-10 The Fish Song; The ever-professional, big “Bash” Basham, doing the world’s worst punny song!


F-1-11 Greyhound Bus Depot; Charlie Dillingham.   His introduction is the truth.


F-1-12 Ibuprofin Blues; Old friend, Al Evans.

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F-1-13 Goodnight, Irene;  English chap, Chris Stern.

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F-1-14 Casual Conversations:  Kelly McDaniel. 

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F-1-15 KiHoalu; We should all play Taro Patch tuning (only).  Fran Guidry, CA.

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F-1-16 Love You Forever;  Debbie Fiak and Kent Fishburn.   How Debbie can sit with a guitar across her crossed legs and still dance on the seat of the chair, I do not know.  (But it is a joy to watch.)

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F-1-17 The Speed of the Sound of Loneliness; Singer/songwriter, Shelly Aarden. 

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F-1-18 Norman Rockwell Blues;  Mike Rickard with my favorite Rickard song.  (I  do not know who was playing mandolin with him.)

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F-1-19 One Night With You; Our resident, Elvis Presley, David Welborn.

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F-1-20 One Minute With You; Steve Glickstein

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F-1-21 Pin Cushion; Ted Blackwell is making fun of me.   (I do not wear boxer underwear.) 

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F-2-1 Yellow Rose of Texas; Bill Zombeck and wife, Linda.  They have a simple purity in their music.

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F-2-2 What We Already Know; Doc Jones.

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F-2-3 Ft. Worth Blues; Raf Seibert.

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F-2-4 The Boxer;  This is another combining of people’s names drawn from a hat.  Here a lady from Florida was paired with a gent from the Midlands of England.  They had never met.  Can there be any greater example of music bonding different people? 

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F-2-5 El Paso;  This was not recorded in a bar room.  It is the result of bad recording in Wimberley.  This is an improtu song.  Al Evans is singing lead and playing guitar.  The good background guitar is from another English gent who has a CD mass-production company.  A classical guitarist is playing his steel stringed guitar for the first time.  (We sorta’ try different things there since we are among musical friends.)

F-2-6 Toyland;  John Bjorkman. Because I suggested this song, he learned if for my benefit.

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F-2-7 Plymouth Plus Five; Wonderful, dazzling Al Sato.

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F-2-8 Poncho & Lefty; My good buddy, Stan Milam.

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F-2-9 Rocky Mountain September: Stan is quite smitten with Colorado and spends time out there.  This is his original song.

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F-2-10 Slip Slidin' Away; Chris Stern from England leading a gang of Texas musicians in a good sing-along.

F-2-11 Prosperity Blues; Ray Boyce, with Al Sato playing dobro.
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I have mentioned Kinscherff guitars.  Here is a picture at the Glen Rose, TX get-together and these are all Jamie Kinscherff guitars.

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 The luthier, Jamie Kinscherf is second from the right, front row.  He has only two months ago married the pretty lady and good singer, Martha Pinto, to his left.



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