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SoundClipJoint® This website is for a few friends who share their music.  No effort is made to make this site easily found by search engines.  It is more personal than that.

        Though an individual is responsible for SoundClipJoint, it is about MUSIC...not a person. The music is more important than the individual. Only the song, and perhaps a particular type of musical instrument, is demonstrated here.

     These songs consist of lyrics and melody,  so full credit is given to the lyricists and composers.

SoundClipJoint is --

     -- a place where I can drop off particular songs to be retrieved  by specific people, though the songs are available to anyone. 

     -- a library of many of my favorite songs.  Songs will continue to be added, or modified.  I perform these songs to encourage musicians to perform whole songs; not  just choruses.

      I Hope You Enjoy SoundClipJoint --  Ken Cashion.

      To enter the SoundClipJoint  Drop Zone click this icon wpe183.jpg (3395 bytes)