SoundClipJoint® Drop Zone

"Music From TX XV" -- October 17th to 19th, 2014.  The song circles and performances. This SoundClip is for all those fellow musicians I value.

For SoundClip, Click -- wpe3E77.jpg (22736 bytes)


"Did'cha' Hear?" -- Words & Music by Ken Cashion, 2006.

This SoundClip is for Mike R., who caused me think of it with a note to a guitar newsgroup, Nov. 10, 2006.

For SoundClip, Click -- wpeBEE.jpg (14595 bytes)

"Bonnie & Clyde" -- Words from poem by Bonnie Parker, April (?), 1934.  Music by Ken Cashion, 2006, from the general, song sounds of the Depression.

This SoundClip is for Hank A., who, through on-line correspondence, got me to thinking about it -- again.

For SoundClip, Click -- wpeBF2.jpg (6694 bytes)

"Singing Alone" -- Words & Music by Ken Cashion, 1973.

This SoundClip is for Tom B.,  who expressed enough interest in it.  Guitar is 1972 FG-140.

For SoundClip, Click --

"Makin' Whoopie" -- Words & Music by Gus Kahn & Walter Donaldson, 1929.

This SoundClip is for Kent F.,  who was unsure of the beginning of "Makin' Whoopie." Instrument is tenor Fluke tuned in DGBE w/high D.

For SoundClip, Click -- wpe194.jpg (6120 bytes)

"Brother, Can You Spare A Dime" -- Words & Music by E.Y. Harburg & Jay Gorney, 1932.  Written for musical, "New Americana."

This SoundClip is for Bob G.,  who was missing the introduction of "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?"  Instrument is G-40 Maccaferri.

For SoundClip, Click -- wpe199.jpg (4600 bytes)

"A Little Music In The Moonlight" -- Words & Music by Johnny Marvin, 1926.

This SoundClip is for Bill Z.,  who just enjoys sweet music on a uke and heard me do this...and wanted to learn it.  This is on Fluke Flea (soprano uke).

For SoundClip, Click --


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